Had a meeting with Alaminos City National High School principal- Mr. Aladdin Mayo and Ms. Untalasco yesterday. The foundation will be supporting their new Bread and Pastry program. Students will learn about baking and bakery business, the gains from the products will support school feeding programs. P10000 for Senior high school and P10000 for Junior high school for the Bread and Pastry programs. Their knowledge will help them start their own bakery business and be productive members of the community.
We also discussed awarding The Alexander Begonia Foundation Caring and Compassion Award to 4 deserving high school students during their graduation ceremony.
I also asked Mr. Mayo his support to the graduating education major scholars of the foundation- hopefully they can be employed as teachers in the public education system when they complete the requirements. 2 former foundation scholars are now teachers of the school district. Making a difference in people’s lives.
It was a great honor and privilege to meet with the leaders of the community, and to forge a relationship in helping the underprivileged.
Thank you for the delicious “ kakanin”. I am very grateful